Sunday, September 20, 2009

Please Read what is below the picture!!!!!!

I made this pic because I wanted a pic to look like pixie dust so here it is!!!!! Here is the random question of the day: What is your favorite type of tree???? I like evergreen trees. They are very nice to me. I am going to have a random question of the day every day so be ready for some randomness!!!!! I know that it's not the end of September, but I'm going to ask you what should next's month thing be for October?? Like this month it's send in Disney Pics and what should next month be????? Something Halloween-ish please! Please leave a comment and tell me!!!! Oh, and what should we call each months thing that we do?????? Here are my ideas:
* Monthly Randomness
* MoNtHlY CrEaTivItY!!!!!!!!!!!!
They don't have to be any of those please just give me your thoughts!!

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